Friday, 8 January 2010

Avatar the film!

So a while ago I remember seeing the avatar film being advertised! it looked amazing and I really couldnt wait to see it!
Anyway! A few weeks ago I finally saw the film and to anyone that hasn't seen it! It is amazing! One of the best films I have ever seen ! From a creative point of view it just cant be flawed in anyway ! Its just perfection ! The whole concept is just breath taking not to mention the character design and also the animation! I could go on forever about how great the film was but what you really need to do is GO and see it lol! Seriously its one of those films you just have to see at the cinema or you are  missing out!
Anyway back on topic! I have a new illustration to show you ! I recently brought some watercolors! which I have never used before :) obviously until now :D! Hope you like it!