Thursday, 1 March 2012

New bits and bobs

Hey all!!

Hope everyone is good. So I have a couple of new things to share with you guys. First things first I have a brand new online shop! I decided it was time to get my but into gear and get something new up! Soon I will be selling quality jumpers with my illustrations on along with jewellery and maybe even shoes at some point! For the time being there are just A4 and A3 Prints. Orders for jumpers have been put in so a shoot has been organised for that and they should be up very soon!

If you would like to visit my shop you can view it here

(Still trying to sort out the actual domain name so the shop will not show up unless this is the url! )

On other news I just finished a new drawing! YAY well kinda new! I started this piece a little while ago and left it partial unfinished you'll see what I mean in the below images!

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:


olivia Rose